ICU Nurse Sets Record Straight on Virus Hoaxers on FB

December 16, 2020

The alarmist post from a former GOP Chair from the DFW area wrote…

If you allow the government to break the law because
of an emergency,
they will always create an emergency
to break the law”.

The debate about the surges at the hospital was addressed by an ICU nurse……

On Messenger Christie wrote me…”Thank you sooooo much. Sorry I know it is tough on there at times. Working long hours so don’t get on FB too much. Masks definitely work and we will stop wearing them when we have better treatments and this under control. Covid is something like we have never seen. Many people don’t understand unless they are working in the IVU as most of these people die and they are dying alone. With just a FaceTime call. Soooooooo tragic!”

Covid-19 Could Force Economies of Scale Reducing Education Costs- so go with it

July 12, 2020
Before the pandemic I was an advocate of part-time school for the academic portions. It would have been for those whose home lives, internet services and family preferences allowed, noting this would not be a level playing field for the disenfranchised.
I saw the pandemic coming and started the conversation especially when I saw our property taxes continuing to go up and was searching for a way to reduce the expenses in the school systems.
As a grass roots public health advocate I ran for Arlington city council during the fracking craze. I have been blogging (about the health risks associated with urban drilling especially near schools) for a decade now on I have turned all my fractivism skills currently to masktivism and see how dangerous in-school would be during a pandemic.
I feel regardless of where the student is learning, the academic lecture portions should be streamlined as prerecorded YouTube videos with virtual teachers chosen who are most skilled in oratorical presentation as well as in their field expertise. Having the best of the best teach uniformly at a national level is for efficiencies of scale. This would be paid for at the federal level. Access to videos allow for self paced instruction (ease of note taking to pause the video or rewind to re-listen to) and so student advance without any distractions or disruptions associated with group learning. Advancing to harder material while not having a strong foundation in some classes is counterproductive.
All other teacher careers can then be focused on academic real time tutoring, fine arts, athletics, and special needs. Some of those jobs could still be virtual whether the students are remote or at school because reducing in-person interactions is key during a pandemic.
This idea came to me when I saw online that some teachers were selling their highly regarded lesson plans making more than their salaries in some cases and thought…why reinvent the wheel?
At some point if not already, artificial intelligence could be built into individualized lesson plans based on the work the students turn in so as to identify strengths and interests. If you would forward this to your favorite computer geeker so we can find out, that would be appreciated.
As a substitute teacher in the AISD school system for about six years prior to the fracking craze. I preferred the OCS (on campus suspension) jobs because I easily lose my voice and cannot project talk for extended periods. I saw firsthand how much work is accomplished outside of group paced learning. Seeing the “problem” students thrive with tutoring had me regularly requesting more assignments. This convinced me how much more work is accomplished outside of group paced learning.
Having academics in the home is vital during a pandemic. We have upset the balance of nature such that we are probably going to see more school disruptions with viruses and extreme weather events.
Reducing teacher costs and the number of students participating in at-school learning is important for public health in social distancing. Cost savings should translate to more affordable property taxes on our dwellings.
Ultimately this pandemic is forcing the schools to utilize remote learning and in the process could facilitate students having access to superior lecturers and lesson plans, real time tutoring, and artificial intelligence guiding them to realize future career choices. If we see cost savings from streamlining student services…lets go with it.
If the virus is hurling a bunch of lemons at us….how bout passing that lemonade?

Operable Windows Needed in Schools for Natural Ventilation Amid Pandemics

July 9, 2020

The CDC on school ventilation in regards to Covid-19 reads:

  • Ventilation
    • Ensure ventilation systems operate properly and increase circulation of outdoor air as much as possible, for example by opening windows and doors. Do not open windows and doors if doing so poses a safety or health risk (e.g., risk of falling, triggering asthma symptoms) to children using the facility.

But what if most windows do not open or if a room has NO windows? Adding windows and retrofitting seems to be the logical solution or participate in distance learning.

Here is a website on natural ventilation from covid 1windows covid 2windows covid 3windows covid 4windows covid 5





Air Travel Invites Viruses so Does Unsustainable Capitalism. How to Peacefully Coexist with Mother Nature?

July 9, 2020
Unprecedented times requires unprecedented action!
How horrible that people are getting laid off from the airline industry. Air travel and our unsustainable benchmarks of economic growth (capitalism) is counter to what Mother Nature can handle.
It took a pandemic to cull unnecessary air travel. In the internet Zoom age…work related air travel (and in-person education) is NOT a necessity. Artificial Intelligence could be a superior way to guide lesson planning individualized to a student’s strengths and interests.
Entertainment, dining, and tourism has been hit the hardest in the Corona-virus pandemic…B U T Mother Nature is not one to F with.
Our pollution is the slow bullet of destruction in Climate Change. Changing HER (per say) “PH balance” is what will continue to wreck havoc in more reactionary viruses and crazy weather events.
We must retool what existing on this Earth should look like. We MUST heal the Earth and HOPE we are not too late.
We are HER pestilence and SHE is culling out to us to peacefully co-exist or else!!!!

Petri Dish USS Roosevelt 16% infection rate in young, healthy soldiers-nine in hospital, one dead with allegedly no underlying health conditions

April 22, 2020


My uncle who is a physician interestingly commented on one of my FB feed posts that if you’re young and healthy go back to work (everyone else keep doing what you are doing in staying at home). He cited the USS Roosevelt (petri dish) that there were 5,000 exposed and 800 positive (That makes it a 16% infection rate). He said 250 were sick (that means 550 were asymptomatic or unharmed of those infected).
charles covid herd final )
In this case it was 70/30… 30% got sick…
There was one death (Chief Petty Office, Charles Thacker Jr age 41, with allegedly NO UNDERLYING HEALTH CONDITIONS)….

thacher covid

A photo provided by the U.S. Navy shows Chief Petty Officer Charles Robert Thacker Jr., 41, of Fort Smith, Ark., assigned to the USS Theodore Roosevelt, who died from the coronavirus Monday, April 13, 2020, at U.S. Naval Hospital Guam. (U.S. Navy via AP)

In my opinion, this is the best case scenario ….ONLY for the young and healthy and one UNLUCKY 41 year old, healthy man.
WHAT about us as a big chunk of the population not young and many not healthy?
We are largely untested destined to be either asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic.
WHAT 30% of us are going to get sick at…
WHAT expense and to…
WHAT extent?
This is WHAT keeps me up at night.
Texas is one of the first trying to open up and second to last in the US for Covid testing.
For those thinking that the recent findings showing more people with the virus antibodies therefore making the death rate much lower is to be forewarned that the tests could be picking up the NON novel corona viruses aka regular flu antibodies…so there is another….WHAT we don’t know until reliable and mass testing is available, and then we don’t know how long and to what extent our antibodies provide protection from reinfection.

Judge Glen Whitley finger pointing-how NOT to protect the TEXICANS in a Pandemic

April 8, 2020
Here is an exchange on Messenger about what is considered an Essential Worker during a pandemic….and building a school is not one of them when health care workers and general Texans’ lives are at risk…documented citizens or not!
Active on Facebook


Search in Conversation


Equip Arlington Convention Center for COVID Quarantine NOW!!

April 5, 2020
We have no control measure to keep those testing positive in quarantine!!!
—– Forwarded Message —–
From: kim feil <>
To: Cynthia Simmons <>; Ignacio Nunez <>
Cc: Jeff Williams <>; Trey Yelverton <>; Jim Parajon <>; Don Crowson <>; Jim Self <>; Helen Moise <>; Victoria Myers <>; Marvin Sutton <>; Robert Shepard <>; Sheri Capehart <>; <>; <>; Office of the President – UT Arlington <>
Sent: Sunday, April 5, 2020, 11:03:02 AM CDT
Subject: Facebook post of covid Arlington resident & concern
This lady lives near West Division St I’m told….says she thinks she caught it at the theater in mid March cuz she did not go anywhere else. 
dividion st sick lady
My worry is that she does not have anybody to care for her and will need to go out for groceries.
I do not trust we have the resources for trace back and since we have no measures to control those walking around infectious, we need to get our act together.
When will the Arlington Convention Center be ready to either care for hospital overflow or to mandate that the infectious spend their quarantine there?

(Covid)Mass Gatherings Should Not Happen Before Christmas 2021, Here’s the Math Why

March 30, 2020

covid john hopkins global april 18 2020

liveco april17 covid global by country topliveco april17 covid by us states top

April 18 2020 UPDATE using 10% infection rate and 2% conservative death rate.

Something smells off……no I haven’t lost my sense of smell and positive for the virus ..not yet! China has four times the population than the United States and yet our deaths are NINE times theirs!

I’m not trying to be a fear monger, so people that tend to comment without giving critical direction on where my math is incorrect or why my estimates are not conservative.. go away… I’m just crunching some numbers here using a conservative infection rate and a conservative (known cases) death rate estimate. So here goes….12% of people tested globally for the Coronavirus so far have tested positive (2,178,149/18,161,936=12%). Say the infection rate is only 10% conservatively… with China having a 1.4 billion population, they would eventually have one hundred and forty million people there testing positive.

If the death rate for those positive were dying at say a *conservative 2% rate, that would be an eventual 2.8 million deaths there once the virus “Burns Through” its 10% infectious rate (140,000,000 x .02 =2,800,000) in China.

They recently increased their deaths by 1,300 (50%) for a total of 3,869 deaths.…/china-wuhan-coronavirus…/index.html

*Per the above aformentioned article, China’s current cases are at 50,333 with 3,869 deaths which equates to a 7.7% death rate of “known” cases (3,869/50,333=.0768), which is why I call my 2% death rate OF KNOWN CASES conservative in addition to what John Hopkins says the U.S. has per capita…..

“Of the 10 countries with the most COVID-19 deaths, the U.S. has the second-lowest per capita mortality rate at 5.3% per 100,000 people, according to an analysis by Johns Hopkins University”.

Since China is three months ahead of the United States in this, I wanted to see how “finished” they are with this virus since they have seen a decline and have since relaxed and open up their businesses.
Dividing their current deaths by expected deaths, (3,869/2,800,000=.00138) they are ONLY .14% done with the virus. I then applied the same math to the United States’ population (329,410,596), infection rate (10%), and same death rate (2%) and I see that based on the current U.S. deaths of 34,522, that we are 5.2% done with this virus (u.s. population 329,410,596 x .10 infection rate=32,941,060 expected positive cases in the United States x .02 death rate = 658,821 expected U.S. “eventual” deaths).

Why is it that we are 37 fold ahead of China in being done with expected deaths? (.14 x 37=5.18) Something really smells. They either greatly understated their deaths, or we are greatly ineffective with our mitigation efforts thus far.

Since we have accumulated 34,522 deaths in 30 days roughly here in the U.S., to get us to a 5% “done-with-burn-through-eventual-death-rate”, applying that to the element of time would take us at LEAST a year and a half to get to 100% done. (1/.05=20 and 600days/30days=20 so that 600 days/365 days in a year=1.6 yrs to be done with eventual deaths).

Arlington TX analysis using 10% infection rate with 2%  death rate of those eventually infected:

Arlington population rounded up 400,000 x .10= 40,000 projected infections

40,000 infected x .02 death rate= 800 projected eventual Arlington TX deaths

With three verified deaths in Arlington as of 4/17/20, we are .4% done with eventual projected deaths (3/800=.00375)–tracker-here-are-the-latest-updates/article_a18591e4-6edf-11ea-98b9-439f60589082.html?fbclid=IwAR3J332QiWp2TmRD4mReoThp54y5v3srP4mCI6kTj-2cR7xlDl7D-22g0ZY

If you recall the CDC recently revised down the number of expected U.S. deaths from the one to two hundreds of thousands “if we do everything perfectly” it was coined.

So even with my conservative/yet seemingly high numbers, could my 658,821 expected eventual U.S. deaths represent deaths we’d see without social distancing and PPE mitigation?

I’m trying to see the bigger picture in the long haul. If anything this analysis serves to make a case for all of us to comply with following social distancing for the next two years, wearing your masks, and hand washing.

If my conservative, yet higher than CDC eventual death numbers represent UNNECESSARY deaths without mitigation, then….. mass gatherings shouldn’t happen until just before Christmas of 2021. We can do this ya’ll!


——end update———

At the end of March in 2020, I based this post on a 25-50% (eventual)  infection rate: with a headline “1,000-6,800 expected Arlington TX COVID deaths with at least 20,000 residents needing hospitalization”

Pandemic, Covid-19, deaths are estimated to represent .25% – 1.7% of the population of Arlington residents based on some key mathematical inputs; one of them being that Arlington is estimated to have 400,000 residents.

The 25%-50% infection rate, and the 1%-3.4% death rate as well as the hospitalization rate of 20% for those infected are from the March 29, 2020 article…….


With the infection rate ranging from 25%-50%, that puts 100,000-200,000 Arlington citizens infected. This only represents those tested and “KNOWN” covid cases.

Of those infected, 20% will need hospitalization for an average of 11 days each. That means our hospitals that are not serving overflow from other cities, would need to prepare to……

admit TWENTY to FORTY THOUSAND Arlington residents.

T H I S   I S   W  H  Y   W E  S H O U L D  W E A R   S O M E   T Y P E  O F  M A S K 

T O   P R O T E C T   T H O S E   I D E N T I F I E D   A S  T H E 

V U N E R A B L E   P O P U L A T I O N  from the rest of us!

Those vulnerable besides the elderly are those with diabetes 41%, obesity 28%, heart/lung conditions, immuno-compromised and chronic kidney disease 31%, among others (of which 5% is those with no underlying health conditions).

THIS is why we are sheltering in place to “flatten the curve”. That way we don’t all come in at the same time needing IV fluids, or more critical services related to acute respiratory failure.

Of those going critical, the deaths can range from 1%-3.4% (however in my own tracking, with each passing day, the death rate goes higher. This could be already showing that the hospitals cannot keep up like in Italy. Italy’s death rate was 8.4% on 3/19/20 and as of 3/30 it is at 11.4%!!)

Apply your 1%-3.4% death rate to the infection rate of 100,000-200,00 citizens, and that is how I arrived at an estimated death toll ranging from 1,000-6,800 Arlington Citizens.

arlington death rate covid

Each one of us preventing a person from being infected, helps to relieve the burden off of our hospital workers on the front lines risking it all…their own health….and their own families health!

Any questions?









COVID “Recovered” TESTING should be priority to protect ESSENTIAL WORKERS-Remove Vulnerable from front lines

March 25, 2020
FACE IT AMERICA, the window of opportunity to test for COVID-19 and pluck out those positive from circulation into quarantine works only BEFORE the virus has taken hold in communities. Once it is at the community spread level, you MUST GO TO PLAN B!!

We need to be all running on the premise that we have been infected already….and should only be going out for supplies or working essential jobs if we know for a fact we already had it.

We need the fast results, immunity titer test more than we need the COVID tests because people should already be self isolating and seek medical attention when symptoms become severe (high fever, worsening cough, shortness of breath).

The test to show if you have built up antibodies can show you’ve already had it, recovered, and can replace those that are vulnerable in these essential jobs… Whatever it takes to decrease the need for hospital beds and keep our hospital personnel from being overwhelmed!

More details here,
ATTN UTA affiliates help to make this a reality to use our labs more effectively to keep the economy and hospitals going.
There is no use testing people with symptoms as those asymotomatic are just as dangerous to the general public working essential jobs.
—– Forwarded Message —–
From: kim feil <>
To: Cynthia Simmons <>; <>; Kevin A. Schug <>; Office of the President – UT Arlington <>; Victoria Myers <>; Ranjana Bhandari <>; Ignacio Nunez <>; Don Crowson <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 08:53:28 AM CDT
Subject: Fast track to swap our vulnerable essential workers for those with markers of immunity…story here! How can UTA help?

Mount Sinai researchers develop test for coronavirus antibodies

Kim Feil
UTA Alumni
—– Forwarded Message —–
From: kim feil <>
To: Victoria Myers <>; Ignacio Nunez <>; Cynthia Simmons <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 11:58:13 AM CDT
Subject: Fw: Vulnerable working essential jobs contrary to curve flatteni

We need to have those that recovered from mild symptoms replace the vulnerable at essential jobs.

When they called for retired nurses and doctors to get back to work that is another way to tax the hospital system cuz this people they need to be cared for then!

Logic prevailing does not seem to be in play we are trying to save the vulnerable and the economy at the same time but we’re putting the vulnerable on the front lines.


—– Forwarded Message —–
From: “kim feil” <>
To: “Jeff Williams” <>, “Jeff Mosier” <>, “Sebastian Robertson” <>, “Helen Moise” <>, “Victoria Myers” <>, “Cynthia Simmons” <>, “Robert Shepard” <>, “Ignacio Nunez” <>, “” <>, “” <>, “Carol Cavazos” <>, “Marvin Sutton” <>, “Downtown Arlington” <>, “Chris Kite” <>
Cc: “Don Crowson” <>, “Gincy Thoppil” <>, “Zacariah Hildenbrand” <>, “Jenny Narvaez” <>, “” <>, “” <>, “Office of the President – UT Arlington” <>
Sent: Tue, Mar 24, 2020 at 11:54 AM
Subject: Vulnerable working essential jobs contrary to curve flatteni
If the goal is to flatten the curve, don’t put the VERY people that will tax the hospitals In harm’s way!

Construction as an Essential Job during Pandemic is LUDICROUS unless constructing make-shift hospitals

March 23, 2020

As a cancer survivor, running construction work during a pandemic is quite concerning for any foreman/superintendent who has no access to bottled water or hand sanitizer for his workers.

Per the Dallas directive the six foot distancing requirement is relaxed for so called temperature takers. That is also another point of concern since digital thermometers aren’t readily available either during a pandemic as is the PPE needed to be getting close to take the temperatures. I read where Walmart employees were making employees sign a statement daily that they certify to be temperature free…using the same ink pen!

YES we are in a pandemic…the small stuff…WE SHOULD SWEAT!


—– Forwarded Message —–
From: “kim feil” <>
To: “” <>
Sent: Mon, Mar 23, 2020 at 4:43 AM
Subject: Error on Shelter in place excludes per CISA construction
Dallas is to enact a shelter-in-place at midnight tonight which excludes residential and commercial construction workers per CISA guidelines.

Guidance on the Essential Critical Infrastructure Workforce | CISA
Forcing non-essential work is contrary to the task at hand in flattening the curve to reduce the pandemic risk.

Please be more concise and communicate to Dallas and Tarrant counties that which is considered critical Construction…for ex erecting makeshift hospitals.

critcal infrastructure

My husband is having to report to work as they are building a new elementary school. The Hispanic Community dominates the masonry trade. Many return home to households with multiple families.

Six foot distancing is not possible with laborers supporting the bricklayers.
This is a recipe for disaster during a pandemic.

There is also confusion on temperature screening as to who is supposed to be conducting that with no PPE.

Please contact the public health officials in Texas to correct this error and save lives.

Residential and commercial work is non-essential during a pandemic disaster.

You need different guidelines for different types of disasters or have some explanation as to why RESIDENTIAL AND CONSTRUCTION work is considered essential…during a pandemic.

This letter will go to social media as well, in addition to any responses you may have to this correspondence.

Do the right thing, thank you.

Kim Feil