Posts Tagged ‘covid19’

Air Travel Invites Viruses so Does Unsustainable Capitalism. How to Peacefully Coexist with Mother Nature?

July 9, 2020
Unprecedented times requires unprecedented action!
How horrible that people are getting laid off from the airline industry. Air travel and our unsustainable benchmarks of economic growth (capitalism) is counter to what Mother Nature can handle.
It took a pandemic to cull unnecessary air travel. In the internet Zoom age…work related air travel (and in-person education) is NOT a necessity. Artificial Intelligence could be a superior way to guide lesson planning individualized to a student’s strengths and interests.
Entertainment, dining, and tourism has been hit the hardest in the Corona-virus pandemic…B U T Mother Nature is not one to F with.
Our pollution is the slow bullet of destruction in Climate Change. Changing HER (per say) “PH balance” is what will continue to wreck havoc in more reactionary viruses and crazy weather events.
We must retool what existing on this Earth should look like. We MUST heal the Earth and HOPE we are not too late.
We are HER pestilence and SHE is culling out to us to peacefully co-exist or else!!!!